The meditation timer to guide you to a consistent meditation practice

Our App Store rating is 4.8 based on over 1K reviews.

The meditation timer to guide you to a consistent meditation practice
Timefully helps meditation practitioners build habits that last, with simplified timekeeping and rewarding tracking.

Our App Store rating is 4.8 based on over 1K reviews.
A Meditation Timer for iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad & Mac
Customize the timer to fit your meditation practice

Select a favorite timer background, pick the type of bell/chime and set the session time intervals. Adapt the app configuration to fit your type of practice or mood. Use multiple profiles to handle different practice types and settings.
If you prefer a timer on your wrist, Timefully is available for your Apple Watch too.

“This app is genius! It's lightweight and does exactly what you want.”

Set goals and track your long-term progress

Set goals and track your
long-term progress
Timefully provides a lifetime of meditation stats at your fingertips. There is no better way to keep yourself motivated.
You can set goals on a daily or weekly basis and follow your goal completion.

“The app is thoughtfully designed and so much more than I expected. I'm so impressed with this app!”
“Hey Siri, Start Meditation”

Use iOS Shortcuts for a seamless meditation experience with Timefully.
Automatically activate Do Not Disturb mode, adjust the volume and display brightness, and start a new meditation session with a single tap or command to Siri.

“I love this app for meditation. Flawless and beautiful UI. Sublime!”

Stay motivated with achievements

Timefully helps you stick to your practice by providing exciting milestones on your journey.
Customize your goals and configure daily notifications to match your ambition and schedule.

“I love the milestones and notifications. The achievements are a fun motivation factor.”

A seamless timer experience for Apple Watch

A seamless timer experience for Apple Watch
The meditation timer for Apple Watch is a natural extension to Timefully that makes practicing even easier. Enable heart rate tracking to get your maximum, minimum and average heart rate for every practice session.
The app automatically logs your meditation sessions to Apple’s Health app as Mindful Minutes.

“If you want an app that records your progress and gives you credit for every moment you are sitting this is the one to get.”
What meditation types does Timefully support?
Timefully is a meditation timer app for all kinds of Meditation, such as Loving-Kindness Meditation, Body Scan, Breath Awareness Meditation, Zen Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Online Meditation, Enso Meditation and 20 Minutes Meditation. Timefully helps thousands of meditators across the world to stay consistent with their practice.
To continue making Timefully the most intuitive and motivating timer on the market, we have added a paid full version of the app. The timer itself will always be free to use, with the possibility to unlock access to the motivational version with all historical data and stats.
Try it for free